Sorry about the long story but there is really no way to shorten it.
What started out as being routinely induced went the exact opposite direction. On Saturday Nonember 22nd we got to the hospital at 9:00am and they started me on pitocin. By about 2:00pm I couldn't take the pain of the contractions and back labor so I got the epidural. I was feeling great and the nurse checked me and I was dialated to 7cm and 100% effaced. About 10 minutes later my nurse came back in saying that they werent catching the baby's hear rate right and decided to check me. I had been feeling preasure but not necessarily the urge to push. My nurse checked me and thats where it all changed. I was complete 10cm and ready to push but they discovered that she was breach. The doctor quickly came in to double check with the ultrasound and sure enough. I was immediately in tears. Jason was great and comforting me. They quickly got everything ready to do and emergency c section and 10 minutes later I was in surgery. They got the baby out fine but since the baby was down in my pelvis so far the doctor had to get down pretty far to pick the baby up out of my pelvis and in the process it tore my uteris. There was lots of bleeding and it took the doctor a while to get me fixed up. We thought we were out of the woods but then after they had transfered me to post partum my nurses discovered that I was still bleeding alot and my doctor was quickly called back in. She quickly decided I needed to go back to surgery. My baby was rushed back to the nursery and I was back in surgery. They had to readminister the epidural and by that time I had lost so much blood that I was laying on the operating table on the verge of passing out and was gasping for air. I honestly could not breath. Its so hard to describe the feelings I was having. I was in tears. I was honestly so afraid that I was going to pass out from all the blood loss and die. As it turns out there was some more tearing that the doctor didn't see at first. Once again they fixed me up and I was sent to ICU where they could take better care of me. They put me on blood transfusions, platelates and plasma from all the blood loss. The next morning they did a CT Scan to make sure there wasn't any more bleeding internally and noticed that part of my ureter tube was obstructed. (The ureter tube is the tube that connects the bladder to the kidney) On Tuesday they I had to have a nephrostomy tube placed in by back to drain my kidney. On wednesday they put in a stent to internalize the tube and help open the obstructed uretar tube. I spent two nights in ICU and by Tuesday afternoon was back in post partum with my baby. I was only able to spend a couple of hours with my baby before the madness occured. My baby spent the first 3 days of her life in the nursery with Jason in and out checking on her and being with me as much as much as he could. I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband and his unfailing faith that everything would be okay in the end because I sure had my doubts. In situations like these you sure learn to have faith and trust in Heavenly Father.
We decided to name the baby Madelyn Anne Johnson. She weighs 7lbs 7ozs and is 19 1/2 inches long.
I had great nurses while I was in the ICU and when I was stable enough to get out of bed they took up to the nursery to see Madelyn. (Definately not the best picture of me)
As soon as I saw her I was in tears. It was like I was seeing her for the first time even though she was 3 days old.
Finally we made it back to post partum and I was able to be with Madelyn.
When we got home Adam did great at being curious about Maddy and gentle.
We made it home just in time for thanksgiving dinner. Thank you Mom, Dad, Mikey, Terie, and Morgan for cooking a wonderful thanksgiving dinner. It was great food and company. We couldn't have gotten through any of this without you.